Why India abstained on UNSC vote against Russia?

There has been quite alot of debate in the whole world regarding this that’s why this needs to be the subject to be discussed. Everyone who is interested in the subject should know why India is doing what India is doing?

We will not get into the war of who is right and who is wrong, this war is getting fought on various narratives but we will talk about why India is being neutral in this war between Russia and Ukraine.

The West doesn’t have very warm relations with India and the west have not played a very positive role for the peace and stability of the sub-continent. There are certain events in the history which India would never forget before jumping into the conflict.

October 1947

Pakistan invaded the free state of Jammu and Kashmir, the then kind of Jammu and Kashmir asked for help from India. India clearly stated that until Jammu and Kashmir’s ruler don’t sign the instrument of accession to India they can’t help the state getting invaded. They signed the instrument and just after that the Indian army started pushing the Pakistanis back into their territory. During these events on 1st January 1948 Indian Prime Minister Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru moved to the United Nation Security Council so that they could intervene and help India to maintain its territorial integrity and stop this invasion.

BUT, Britain intervened and without keeping India in the loop draft a counter response from Pakistan’s side and get a resolution passed. The resolution dictates the formation of the United Nation’s Commission for India and Pakistan. Under this very resolution the provision for plebiscite in Kashmir emerge and pushed both nation into a decades old fighting condition.

In 1961, when India was liberating Goa during the Goa Liberation Movement then again US and UK moved a resolution against India but the Soviet Union vetoed it and failed their effort.

In 1962, Iceland backed by United States of America drafter another resolution in United Nation to carry out Plebiscite in Kashmir. Soviets again vetoed it and foiled their plans.

In 1965 war US and UK supported Pakistan extensively by sending weapons and lobbying them in the United Nations. Pakistan was using some of the best weapons provided by the United States. Kashmir was facing intense fighting. Indian Army surprised the whole world by opening the Lahore front. Till this time, Britain was silent but after Indian Army opened the Lahore front British Prime Minister Harold Wilson wrote letters to both India and Pakistan to let both the parties know that they will likely intervene.

Whatever happened in the 1971 war is not hidden with anyone, In 1971 to put pressure on Indian US and UK sent their warships for a possible attack on India. This is one thing which will remain in the memories of Indians forever but whatever the west had done with India in 1947, 1961 and 1965 might not be known to mass Indian population. US moved 2 resolution during the 1971 war against India, both the time soviets vetoed them and sided with India.

This is what history tells us about the relationship of the west with India but alot of difference can be seen from that time to the present time. India’s abstention from any vote against Russia might shock only those who have no idea about the history of relationship of both the nations.

According to Vijay Nambiar, who have served in the United Nation as India’s permanent representative from 2002 to 2004. Russia is the only country in P5 or the Powerful 5 who have always supported India. One of the biggest example of the friendship India has with Russia can be seen in the situation where during the Hungarian Revolution India’s PM Nehru instructed India’s that time’s permanent representative in UN to avoid taking sides of the soviets. Contrary to that, the diplomat ignored his instruction and in return the soviets backed us against Iceland’s resolution.

Everyone should know these historical facts because whatever is happening in the current scenario presents a very tricky situation for India. India’s abstention at this time is neither helping the Russians nor the US by voting against the Russians. India is looking at both the important allies of east and west. Our relations with US are evolving, India shall never forget that whenever it needed anyone to protect its interest it was always the Soviets (Present day Russia) who have backed us everytime not the US.

In today’s current scenario if we consider the fact that Chinese are pretty close to Russia and we can use these opportunity to tone down some tensions we have with the chinese on our eastern border. West is desperately trying to keep India on its side because they know in this situation if there is anyone who can mediate and neutralise the situation it is only India. The aim for neutralising the situation should not be taken as their will for peace but it is more likely a face saving from one of the most humiliating defeat for the NATO even bigger than Crimea and Georgia.

Despite continuous vicious attack India seems deterred on its position of neutrality and maybe India’s this position can help to resolve this whole conflict in future. While on the other side the whole western media is on fire seeing this and they are blatantly criticizing India, ignoring the stance of their own government who have clearly stated that they understand India’s relationship with Russia.

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